A Message from Cary Players President Debra Grannan

Dear Theatre Friends,

On behalf of Cary Players’ Board of Directors, we send you warm wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season. As 2024 draws to a close, we reflect on what was a busy and highly successful year. We saw record-breaking attendance at our shows and received positive reviews for the production values. We were bolstered by our regular volunteers and patrons, and we also welcomed many newcomers on stage, behind the scenes, and in the audience. Thank you for your support.

We are planning our 2025-2026 season and encourage you to continue your involvement and support in any of the following ways:

- See a show! Tickets are on sale for Horton Foote’s classic drama, The Trip to Bountiful, with performances January 31 to February 3, 2025, and for the poignant and powerful drama, Sonia Flew, May 2 to May 11, 2025.

- Audition! Auditions for Sonia Flew are Sunday, March 2, and Monday, March 3, 2025. Visit https://www.caryplayers.org/ for more information.

- Let us know if you are interested in being part of a production team. We are always looking for new volunteers.

- Share your thoughts on the types of classes you would like us to offer. Visit our website and click on News & Events to access the Education workshop survey.

- Become or continue being a financial supporter by making a monetary contribution to Cary Players. We are a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit organization, so your donation is tax deductible. You may donate on-line via our website, or mail a donation to Cary Players, Inc., PO Box 4427 Cary, NC 27519-4427.

Thank you again for your on-going support! We look forward to seeing you at the theatre!


Debra Grannan,

Cary Players President


Cast List: Sonia Flew


Education Workshop Survey